Monday, July 4, 2011

Maybe I'm crazy....

  Well I've been working hard at conditioning my emotional state. I've been doing most of it on the track and through my diet. As a result, I have lost over 6 lbs and am gaining energy rapidly!
   Today I was going through a run down of the things in my life that I have felt like are holding me back. After making this two and a half page list, I went for a run on the track. As I was running I started getting more and more pissed off about the current state of my emotional life. Once I was in this emotional state of being fed up and pained by the shortcomings in my life, I ran as hard as I could yelling at life that today is my decision day! I refuse to let petty excuses guide my life for another minute. I made it very clear to the powers that be and to myself that I made a commitment today that will stand for the rest of my life, a commitment to lay down the excuses, the weak drive, the weak emotional states, the weak accountability, the weak mind (that's been letting others ideas direct it) and the fear of uncertainty.
   Today I picked up my torch and vowed to be the man I know I am, and stand strong in him regardless of what others say, think, or do! To take charge of my life, like I know I can, like I know I have to!
  So after my track run, I made a long list of the things I have been doing, letting happen, or letting control me. I titled the list " Things I Am Doing That Are Fucking Pissing Me Off!" This list helped me remember that I am highly motivated by anger, and if used properly this can be a great tool. I apologize for the language but I found it necessary for me to create the state I am now using to get me off my ass and more resistant to the people who try to penetrate my state with their random B.S. that will run my life down if I let it.
   Anyways, just a quick rant about anger as a motivating tool.


  1. " Things I Am Doing That Are Fucking Pissing Me Off!"

    Take courage.... POST the list.
    I'm interested, I think there may be value in sharing and exposing the stumbling blocks.

    I think love is a great motivator too, one with lasting power.

  2. I read this blog every day,

    Today he was talking about the idea that every choice makes another choice impossible.


    This reminds me of a conversation I had once with my cousin. I was complaining that fitness was one of my top priorities, but I couldn’t seem to get healthy. “That’s because fitness isn’t a priority for you, J.D.” Nick said.

    “What do you mean?” I asked. “Yes it is.”

    “No, it’s not,” he said. “Your priorities are the things you do, not the things you say you’ll do.”

    I argued at the time, but looking back, Nick was right. Saying that something is a priority doesn’t make it so. We demonstrate in our daily lives the things that actually matter to us. To quote Will Durant (not Aristotle): “We are what we repeatedly do.”

    The point of the article isn't about money, its about how choices both good and bad impact our life. There is not room for both choices simultaneously, so the choice we make says something about our desires.

    I find the parallel between what you are saying and what the author of the money blog author is saying.

  3. Hey brother I am currently reading "The Way of the Peaceful Warrior". Thank you for recommending it. I hear you talk about getting pissed off about the things on that list and can't help but wonder, "What would Socrates say?" Maybe you should ask yourself the same question. The problem is not in the things that are holding you back. Maybe, the problem lies in thinking that the problem exists.

    When I hear you say "I made it very clear to the powers that be and to myself that I made a commitment today that will stand for the rest of my life", It brings to light the civil war going on within your mind. Remember "the powers that be" and the "myself" you speak of are ONE. Only the mind can separate them. That is part of the human condition; duality. These incidents are teachers. Heed the lesson without attachment or identification of self to these perceived problems. I look forward to seeing you soon.

  4. I book marked that blog, thank you!!
